Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to write beautiful letters (a lesson in calligraphy)

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Things are going great here in Arizona. Still very warm, I miss the cool fall weather Colorado gets so early! But I can't really complain of having warm weather every day. I have been busy with my schoolwork but found some time to squeeze in this tutorial on how to write beautiful letters.
I get questions about pretty handwriting a lot, so I thought maybe I could show you how to do it so you can become good at it. Now, I have been doing this for a while. Like anything, you need practice. But this is a very easy skill to pick up, anyone can do it! Lets get started.

First, you will need a pencil and some paper. You can use a pen, but trust me, at first you will make mistakes. It is better to use a writing utensil you can erase. After perfecting your letters with pencil, go over it in pen/sharpie for a more finished look.

The first set of letters I will show you is what I call the "Type-Writer" look. You start with writing capital letters like so in step one. After that, cap off the ends on the lines. You can do this with upper or lower case letters, but I prefer upper because the letters look more even than the lower case look.

The next set of letters is what I call "Tall & Skinny". For these letters, I also like to use upper case. These letters are very simple, you just give yourself a lot of space going up and downwards and then keep them squished and skinny. Below you will see an example of the letters used together and you will know what I mean.

" S P A C E D  O U T" is very simple and looks great. Literally, all you do is space out your letters more than usual. I like to use more blocky letters like pictured above.

Next is my personal favorite, the cursive "calligraphy" look (And yes I spelled calligraphy wrong at first, that why I say use pencil haha, silly me!). This one may look difficult, but is actually very easy. You start with a basic cursive structure, it does not have to be nice and neat. The when your pencil goes downward, you make that part of the line bold. Actually, the crazier your cursive is, sometimes the better it looks. And there you got it!

Now for some pretty accessories, flowers. Theses are fairly easy as well. Here are some step by step instructions.

Close Up--

And now to tie it all together! These are some of the simple little things I have done in my journal. Like anything this craft takes practice but is very easy. Show me what you come up with, I would love to see!!

Have a wonderful day!! 
XOXO, Sarah Elizabeth


  1. I LOVE THIS! Can't wait to try! Best tutorial ever! I can't wait to check out the rest of your blog!
    Marcia Kuyper
    Joyful Gestures Photography
